Discover our special UX service packages

Are you looking to kick-off an idea? Do you need to create a working PoC or prototype? Want to improve your user engagement?
Our agile way of work is the result of 15+ years of hands-on experience.

We are ready to deliver results in 2 weeks!

Making Sense Hero UX

Check these UX special packages


Value Proposition Sprint

Shape up your business

  • Proto personas
  • Competitors analysis result
  • Value proposition canvas and more


Design Sprint

Bring your ideas to life

  • User flows
  • Click-trough prototype
  • Style guides and more


Prototyping Sprint

Create a working prototype

  • Component library
  • UI code base
  • Interactive web prototype and more


Interaction Enhancement

Improve user engagement

  • Enhancement opportunities report
  • Heuristic evaluation report
  • UX prioritization & strategy and more


UX Enhancement

UX as your growth strategy

  • User persona
  • Survey reports
  • Analytics, goals, and KPIs plan and more

Got an idea? Tell us about your next challenge.